About Jo Fazel

Joanne Fazel BSc (Hons), Grad CIPD, Dip. NLC IHS, Consistency Coach™

Hi I'm Jo!

Busy, 47 year old mum of two beautiful teenage girls, certified Nutrition & Lifestyle Coach, Consistency Coach & Biology Honours Degree holder.

My obsession? I'm crazy about helping other busy women over 40 lose weight & regain energy & confidence despite the hormonal havoc, without damaging their relationship with food or messing up their metabolism.

Let me start by telling you

a story...

How I went from being nearly 40 lbs overweight to being in the best shape of my life

I'm no stranger to knowing what it's like to not feel comfortable in your clothes and to lack body confidence.  By the time I started my career in my early 20's,  I was nearly 40 lbs heavier than I am now.  I was busy and not paying attention to what I ate or making many healthy lifestyle choices.

The weight had snuck on almost without me noticing until a sideways comment from a family member about being 'chubby' shocked me into taking a good look at just how different I'd become.

So I restricted my calories and cut out foods I loved, trying to rely on willpower to keep away temptation. I joined gyms I never went to and bought an exercise bike that became an expensive clothes horse.

I'd lose some weight then gain it back, buy new clothes then find I couldn't fit into them again a few months later.  It was so frustrating.

I was overweight, stressed out and not looking after myself properly - and this led to a hormonal issue that affected my fertility & led to me needing medical assistance to get pregnant.

After having my two daughters I realised I needed to do things differently in order to better balance my hormones & get myself healthy.  So I researched.  A lot.  And I started to implement new ways of eating that didn't keep me stuck on the diet rollercoaster.  I discovered movement that worked for me.  I integrated lifestyle changes into my daily routines.

And slowly but surely, that 40lbs came off.  My periods returned & normalised for the first time as my hormone issue resolved. My cravings disappeared. I had more energy, strength & confidence in myself & finally felt good in my clothes.

And the pounds have stayed off for over a decade, despite the hormonal havoc of perimenopause & without having to restrict calories or cut out food groups.

Now at 47, I'm in the best shape of my life.

And I'd be honoured to help you do the same.

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